
Welcome To Our Teaching School Hub

Providing a Pathway for Professional Excellence

Harris City Academy Crystal Palace Teaching School Hub is one of 87 Teaching School Hubs to be designated nationally by the DfE.

Our Hub, which is based at Harris City Academy Crystal Palace in South London, oversees the Croydon, Sutton and Epsom and Ewell region (L8).


Our vision

Harris Crystal Palace is the founding school of the Harris Federation MAT and believes ‘All Can Achieve’.

Our purpose is to provide high quality professional learning pathways which develop exceptional educators to enable all children and young people to achieve their potential and provide them with real life chances.

To achieve this aim, Harris City Academy Crystal Palace Teaching School Hub will work closely with the Department for Education and other partners such as curriculum hubs and research schools to deliver on the golden thread of professional development for all schools in our designated region. We will ensure that teachers are able to have a clear professional development pathways and continue to grow and flourish in their careers.

Evidence informed practice* tells us that that the quality of teaching is the single biggest variable in student achievement, outside the students themselves, and it is also the variable most susceptible to the impact of good or poor leadership.

We will use our influence and resources to build and sustain a growth environment for the region, that provides the very best in initial teacher training, newly qualified teacher induction, early career support and CPD pathways to retain and develop expertise for the entire workforce including national professional qualifications for school leaders, head teachers and executive leaders in multi-academy trusts.

Our vision is to strengthen school improvement through developing highly skilled practitioners. The strategy of the Hub is to deliver the golden thread of professional development and simplify access to high-quality, research informed, professional learning opportunities. Teachers will be able to access the Hub at any point in their careers.


Contact us

Director of HCACP Teaching School Hub - Natasha Evans evansn@harriscrystalpalace.org.uk

General enquiries: teachingschoolhub@harriscrystalpalace.org.uk

Phone: 020 8771 2261 ext: 2444 or 2445


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